What is Shungite?

What is Shungite?
Shungite is a rare black non-crystalline stone over 2 billion years old. It has a unique composition and is made of up to 99 percent carbon. Shungite contains fullerenes, a special form of carbon, and we know carbon is the foundation of life on earth. Along with fullerenes, shungite consists of nearly all the minerals on the periodic table.
Shungite is only found in the magical northwestern region of Russia in mystical Karelia and was named after the village where it was found, Shunga. Historically, shungite has been known for thousands of years by the locals in the Lake Onega region of Karelia. It was called shale and the locals knew it had ‘great powers‘ and used it to cure many diseases and purify water.

It was in the reign of Peter the Great, that shungite gained its fame. Legend has it that there was a factory built near Lake Onega in the early 1700s to produce copper for the tsar. Workers who fell ill or were poisoned could be healed within three days by drinking water from a spring nearby. After hearing about the miraculous water, Peter the Great ordered an investigation of the water and it was discovered that the amazing spring that flowed out from a shungite deposit healed many illnesses.
This water that contained shungite was amazing, because it purified and disinfected water. Peter the Great ordered his soldiers to carry a shungite stone in their packs for water purification, wound healing and vitality. The battle of Poltava with Sweden was partly won because of the shungite water the Russian soldiers drank, it protected them from enterocolitis, inflammation of the digestive tract that many of Swedish soldiers succumbed to.
Next, Peter the Great built the first Russian spa at Konchezero on the shores of a small lake by Lake Onego for his family and court. He called it the Martial Waters in honor of the god Mars in commemoration of his victories in the Baltic Sea.
The history and legends of shungite remained in the background until the 1930s when Dr. Sergey Vishneskiy organized an expedition to study the Martial waters and discovered the healing properties once more, sadly World War II halted all plans for building another spa.
In the 1960s, new interest at a local level began again, but it wasn’t until the discovery of fullerenes that shungite’s beneficial qualities really came to light. In 1985 fullerenes were discovered in the UK by Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard Smalley and Robert Curl Jr. They discovered cage-like molecules composed of 60 carbon atoms (C60) that were joined together by single and double bonds to form a hollow sphere with 12 pentagonal and 20 hexagonal faces that looks like a soccer ball. The C60 molecule was named after R. Buckminster Fuller, an American architect who constructed a geodesic dome with the same structural principle.

Par Original téléversé par Mstroeck sur Wikipédia anglais.Later versions were uploaded by Bryn C at en.wikipedia. — Transféré de en.wikipedia à Commons., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2441459
In shungite, the presence of fullerenes was a game changer. Fullerenes are believed to be powerful antioxidants and have the ability to kill harmful bacteria including E Coli. In studies found in the book, Medical Geology in Russia and NIS, it was demonstrated that shungite has anti-bacterial properties. Other studies performed around the world have shown that drinking shungite water not only improves digestion, but has a toning and anti-inflammatory effect.
Grigory Andrievsky’s Research “concluded that natural fullerenes act on a systemic level and not as a treatment for an illness. They act as an adaptogen operating both at a cellular level and at the level of the whole human body.” He also concluded that natural fullerenes are the most powerful antioxidants known today and have the ability to reduce the concentration of free radicals in the body.
During a Scientific Congress called Shungite and the Protection of Human Life in 2006 in the town of Petrozavodsk, Karelia, researchers presented their research and evidence that shungite is antibacterial, antiviral, immune-stimulant, anticancer agent, antihistamine and protects from ionizing and non-iodizing radiation.
Skin shows improvement when washed with shungite water, helping psoriasis, acne, and facial skin to become more elastic.
In animals, studies show improved fertility, increased milk production, and thick beautiful fur, increased longevity and no deaths due to cancer. Plants and trees thrive, grow better and faster.
Shungite removes heavy metals, colloid iron of pipes, nitrates, pesticides, dioxins, radio nuclides, viruses and bacteria from water.
Because of shungite’s porous structure, it effectively purifies water from organic and inorganic pollutants. For example, it removes heavy metals, colloid iron of pipes, nitrates, pesticides, dioxins, radio nuclides, viruses and bacteria from water.
Another fascinating quality of fullerenes is its ability to absorb, neutralize and protect against the electromagnetic fields of cell phones, laptops, computers, geopathogenic fields and 3G, 4G, and 5G technology.

Black or gray can be shaped and polished.

These are examples of the rare Elite or Noble Shungite.
There are three types of Shungite based on carbon content:
- Elite Shungite (90 percent carbon)
- Black Shungite (50-70 percent carbon)
- Gray Shungite (30-50 percent carbon)
Black and gray shungite which contains 34-70% organic carbon and can be shaped and polished. All of the shungite objects, such as pyramids, pendants, spheres, cubes, etc., are made from this quality. When the carbon content is around 30 – 40%, shungite is able to cleanse water due to its porous structure.
The best shungite for everyday use has a carbon content of 30-60% carbon and comes from the Zazhoginskaya and Maxovskaya mines.
This type of shungite is made up of 90 – 98% organic carbon, which is why it has been called ‘elite’. It is a rarest form of shungite and accounts for only 1 % of all shungite found. It is fragile because of its high carbon content and cannot be shaped. It is found only in natural rough rock shapes. Also, the porous structure of this type has been changed. It is shiny and looks like it has been covered with varnish. The lack of a porous structure leads to the loss of water solubility properties and thus have better healing and protective properties. Because of this, elite shungite is best used as personal talismans.
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